Tutorial #6
Closing: 27.10.15
Problem : Marketing Communication Plan
Learning objectives:
- How to select the proper communication plan
- types of communication
- elements of a communication plan
- Implementation of a communication plan
- Measuring and monitoring
- How to tell if the communication is working
- Case studies
How to select the proper communication plan
From the founders of Guerilla marketing, Jay levinson and Jeanne Levinson, propose how to make a simple yet effective marketing communications plan. They believe a marketing strategy only need to be seven sentences which include the following elements:
JAY LEVINSON AND JEANNIE LEVINSON. 2.10.2013. How to design a marketing strategy
In HBR, Freeman & Speener also talks about how keeping it simple is the best way in attracting potential customers. They talk about how in today's media world it can difficult for consumers to make decisions based on the overwhelming amount of ads being thrown at them. They use "decision simplicity index" : how easy the customer understands the information they're given, how much they can trust the information and how readily they can decide.
Freeman,K. Speener,P. To keep you customers keep it simple. HBR. 2012.
- What do you want to motivate your audience to do?
- What do you offer?
- who is your audience
- what marketing weapons do you plan on using
- Define your niche/what do you stand for?
- What's the personality of your company?
- What's your budget? be realistic
JAY LEVINSON AND JEANNIE LEVINSON. 2.10.2013. How to design a marketing strategy
In HBR, Freeman & Speener also talks about how keeping it simple is the best way in attracting potential customers. They talk about how in today's media world it can difficult for consumers to make decisions based on the overwhelming amount of ads being thrown at them. They use "decision simplicity index" : how easy the customer understands the information they're given, how much they can trust the information and how readily they can decide.
Freeman,K. Speener,P. To keep you customers keep it simple. HBR. 2012.
Implementation of a communication plan
Lorette defines the elements engaged when implementing marketing communication plan. They include: Finalizing the plan, budgeting plans, everyone needs a copy of the plan, have a monitoring plan ready, performance management and reward system in place, present to org, have annual department meetings.
Downfalls may include: lack of communication, inconsistent marketing, no reviews, etc.
Measuring & monitoring
There are various tools to help measure the effectiveness of online social media campaigns. Which, can be very helpful to small companies because most of their marketing may be online. Facebook and twitter have analysis tools that allow users to measure when certain posts have acquired a lot of likes. Along with the use of promo codes, you can measure how many people are using certain codes from which platforms are they getting them and from this eliminate any platforms that just aren't getting as much attention.
Rouhinen, L. Social media course. 2015.
In the case of Ivana Hki they use a lot of social platforms to sell products, fairs, etc. There way of monitoring success is keeping track of who they are talking to what media platforms have they talked on, etc. Based on this information they can see which events have been more successful than others.
A strategic communication plan - Informative PR standpoint on communication plan