Tuesday, September 1, 2015


My name is Silva-Ray McLaren. I am a 22 year old student from New York City.
I am currently living and studying in Helsinki, Finland. Outside of my studies I work part-time in a cafĂ©. Here's a very condensed list of things that make me happy: practicing yoga, traveling, going out with friends, coffee, watching interesting documentaries, and adding colors to my extensive collection of nail polishes. 

This blog is for a course I am currently taking: Creative corporate and marketing communications. I will be posting tutorials for class and other posts sharing my personal growth and opinions. 

Our first assignment was to create a minute long Video Resume. Initial thought was that this would be a simple task but after going through the process I learned how uncomfortable it can be to just sit in front of a camera and talk about oneself. I learned a few do's and don'ts for the next time I have to make one and hopefully will feel more relaxed doing so in the future. 

Feel free to follow my journey!

Regards, Silva Ray

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