Monday, September 7, 2015

Storytelling and corporate communication

Tutorial # 1
Closing: 8.9.15

In our first PBL we discussed the topic corporate communications and storytelling. We watched a video of a google advertisement of its various products (Reunion) We discussed the themes of how companies can communicate its products to the public, etc. We then defined some of the learning objectives listed below. 

Problem: Storytelling and corporate communication 

Learning objectives: 
  1. What is corporate communication & why storytelling is used there? 
  2. What makes for successful storytelling in corporate communications?
  3. Find case studies of corporate storytelling and their effects 
Corporate communication

Both an internal and external message or culmination of all messages the company is trying to relate to its staff, the media, investors, etc. It includes branding and public relations but it is not limited to just that. It is a way the company can take control of the way they are seen from an internal standpoint and also how the public views the company or its products.

Source: Knowledge vision. Corporate communications. accessed: 7.9.2015 (image from source)

Why use storytelling in corporate communication?

Corporate communications use storytelling for various reasons. Listed are some of the reasons why a company would use storytelling to show their company's history, etc.

  • storytelling is an easy way to retain facts 
  • people can connect more through a story that touches them emotionally 
  • It is more interesting to listen to a story, it catches and retains people's attentions more easily
  • stories are easier to remember than normal facts and figs. Accessed:7.9.2015

Forman, J. A framework for organizational storytelling. Accessed 7.9.2015

Exibit 1 is good framework of how a company should tell stories while also being goal oriented. Start building trust with your customers by using your capabilities. If storytelling is successful you are able to achieve general business objectives. However, depending on needs the company can also achieve specific objectives: branding, recruiting, etc. 

What makes for successful storytelling in corporate communications?

A company has control over the way the public may view them through various channels such as social media, advertising, news media, etc. However, if the messages they are trying to convey are not in line with the actions of the company, consumers no longer have trust for what they are saying. 2/3 of the public believe that companies aren't inline in what they communicate to the public (Fishburn) This is a large portion of the public so this is why it is important companies have both internal and external corporate communication, that their companies morals and actions are inline with the message they tell. 

The fishburn blog posted a list of common themes successful company stories incorporated. I have condensed the points but the full article is available in the sources below.
  1. focus on the message of “what you stand for, where you’ve come from and where you’re going”. 
  2. Involve your brand image at every level of the organization not just advertising
  3. Transparent CEO gives more positive image of company (likeable leaders)
  4. Create a company moral that unites the staff 
  5. Actions speak louder than words so the company must be inline with what they say and their actions 
  6. Explain to the masses how the company benefits society as a whole. (where do they fit)
These themes are more involved in creating a positive narrative for the company as a whole, because a good advertisement is useless if the company doesn't have a story of its own or is not likeable. 

Source: Fishburn. storytelling in communications. 2013. accessed: 7.9.2015

Case studies of corporate storytelling and their effects 

After trying to research some examples of corporate storytelling and effects on consumers I found there are times when corporate storytelling can go wrong. For example, if brands are not universal or they are trying to dive into a new market if the story is too westernized and vise versa they won't translate properly or can even become offensive to the new market.

Example 1: Boring

Samsung 840 EVO Series Solid State Drive
Here we see clear roles defined but not portrayed in a way that accesses a connection to the viewer so interest is lost almost immediately

Example 2: Controversial

Hyundai released a commercial that showed a man in his car attempting suicide but couldn't go through with it because of the cars great sustainability features. This commercial was soon taken down because of the reaction the public had towards it. consumers were not only in shock but outraged because of how personal or familiar the topic of suicide can be. Hyundai was trying to tell a story that evoked emotion but it was not an appropriate approach, people need to feel good and connect in a positive manner in order to connect with the company and find interest in the products. Their released statement read: "it runs counter to our values as a company and as members of the community.... Hyundai apologizes to those who have been personally impacted by tragedy." This is an example where having what you put out externally needs to be inline with your company internally.

Hyundai Pulls Controversial 'Suicide' Ad

Example 3: Successful Storytelling

Finding just one example of successful storytelling was difficult but I did stumble upon a blog post where the writer talks about 5 great examples of corporate storytelling and which factors make it good storytelling. I recommend checking it out!

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